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All rooms
All flooring is swept, mopped or vacuumed
All window sills and window ledges are wiped down (middle and bottom)
Cobweb patrol
All furniture is dusted and cleaned
All rooms are tidied up
We will dust all ceiling fan blades
We will dust all lamps and lampshades
All your linens are changed and beds are made. (Upon request! Please don’t forget to put out your fresh linens!)
Remove trash and recycling

Counters cleaned and sanitized
Your microwave will be cleaned inside & out
We will load your dishwasher
We will clean your stove top
Wipe down exterior of the refrigerator
Clean kitchen sink
Wipe outside of dishwasher
Polish stainless steel

Clean & disinfect shower, tub
Clean & disinfect toilet
Clean mirrors
Clean sinks
Empty trash can
Sweep, vacuum, or mop floor
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